I actually got to sit and watch Livi play today! This was a pretty amazing moment for me, because she never plays by herself. She usually needs me to play with her at all times. I can't say that I blame her. I mean, I am pretty cool. Anyway, as I watched her, I thought how nice it would be to be a toddler for one day. It would probably be the best day ever. Actually, I think there should be a holiday for moms to be able to act like toddlers all day. A few reasons why I would love to be Livi for a day:
Waking up at 5 in the morning and sitting on someone else's head would be way more fun than having it happen to me.
Throwing a huge fit because you don't get your way is so my style.
Tooting in public is funny.
Naptime is required.
Instead of washing clothes or making dinner, you are only expected to make animal sounds on command.
Ok, this list could go on forever. At least I get to enjoy these things with her. There is never a dull moment at our house! Oh, I almost forgot the best part about being a toddler for a day. My chubby ass legs would be sooooo cute!!!!!!!
5 hours ago
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